~October Kindergarten Curriculum ~
Recommended for Ages 3-6 with older children included
Please note this is a digital book.
October includes four weeks of lessons and is 66 pages full.
Morning Blessing* Circle Time* Blackboard Drawing* Morning Talk Suggestions* Weekly Story with Puppet Show Ideas* Daily Activity* Teacher's Classroom Work* Nature Walk* Children's Meditation* Outdoor Play* Mealtime* Rest Time* Caregiver Meditation* Evening Routines* Bedtime Story and Blessing*
Please note that our Kindergarten Curriculum is a non-academic program inspired by the Waldorf Philosophy of Education, as well as other holistic educational methods.
Every day of the week is planned out for you with a very gentle and flowing rhythm of the day that includes your mixed aged family or classroom.
Week One, October
Birds, Showing Kindness
Week Two, October
Woodworking, Honesty
Week Three, October
Cornhusks, Humility
Week Four, October
Pumpkins, Illumination
This program was designed for homeschooling parents, teachers, coop leaders and childcare providers who wish to share the joy of nature with the children in their care and create a healthy rhythm to their day. It is ideal for mixed-aged situations with ideas for both young and older children included.
While our curriculum is not religiously oriented, Little Acorn Learning does honor a creator in many of the verses, songs and blessings that we use. We celebrate many seasons and festivals, with an emphasis on christian saints and holidays. We encourage you to weave your own traditions and customs into the program to make it work best for your children.