Theme: Spring Animals, Awakening
Please note this is for a digital book which will be immediately available to you.
28 Pages Full of Activities and Lessons Based Off of a FUN Theme!
In This Study Unit:
Read Stories About Spring Animals & Springtime
Sing Songs and Fingerplays at Circletime
Read a Story 'In the Barnyard'
Share Short Morning Talks About Spring and Animals this time of Year
Create a Bird Chart
Go On a Spring Scavenger Hunt
Make Homemade Butter
Cut Spring Animal Sihouettes
Make a Recycled Bird Feeder
Spend time Bird Watching and Identifying Birds
Paint with Feathers
Learn About Spring and Spring Animals
Knit a Little Toy Hen
Craft Wool Lambs
Create a Farmyard out of Blocks
Practice Vocabulary with a Bird Nest Game
Move Like Spring Animals
Play Animal Charades
Play Farmer in the Dell
Practice Animal Rhyming Words
Learn Animal Care
Practice Math with Spring Drawings and Equations
Introducing Homeschool Study Units based on themes to help you bring rhythm and structure into your time with the children. These units are ideal for mixed-aged situations with ideas for both young and older children included.
These homeschool lessons are based on fun themes and include blessings, verses, short morning talks, nature walks, crafts, library book recommendations, teacher's classroom work ideas, story time prop ideas, blackboard drawing ideas, recipes, children's meditations, caregiver meditations, outdoor suggestions, stories, fingerplays and much more!
You will receive numerous lessons and activities in the following subjects to weave into your homeschool:
Movement, Games & Body Awareness
Domestic Arts/Practical Life Skills
Social Studies, Geography, Weather Time
Science, Nature Study, Earth Discovery
Everything is completely planned out for you with most supplies already in your own home. These units can be used alone for homeschooling early childhood children or as a structure to your day and week for older children as you weave in other academic work.
Please note: These lessons are pulled from parts of our Preschool/Kindergarten, First and Second Grade Curriculum. Little Acorn Learning lessons are inspired by the Waldorf Philosophy of Education, as well as other Holistic Educational Methods.