Four Full Weeks of Waldorf Crafting, Verses, Songs, Stories, Recipes, Caregiver Meditations, Adult Inner Work and Seasonal Celebrations
Please note this is a digital book.
The Afterschool Enrichment books follow the rhythm of a weekly theme with the flexibility that teachers, homeschoolers and afterschooling parents need to enrich their children's Waldorf learning experience at home or school. These E-Books are filled to the rim with crafts, recipes, activities, stories and inner-work suggestions and they follow a weekly theme to keep your home or school following a seasonal rhythm. They are not structured like classroom lesson plans, as they are meant to be used in addition to your older child's regular schooling during the day or for add-on ideas to our At-Home Kindergarten Guides.
These Enrichment Guides are created to help parents, teachers and caregivers of all types create a healthy, rhythmic and peaceful home for their children. These guides may be used with children attending traditional schools, Waldorf schools, private schools, childcare centers or with homeschooled children as an enrichment tool to extend their Little Acorn ‘Learning’.
Week One, November
Fire, Remembering Loved Ones
~Read Beautiful Books that help you Cherish Loved
Ones Once Here.
~Celebrate the Element of Fire this week with
your Children.
~Share Circle Time Songs of Autumn, Fire
and Remembering
~Make Day of the Dead Clay Vessels
~Create and Honoring Table in Memory of Those
You Love
~Make Glistening Votives to Light Up your Home
~Create Day of the Dead Memorial Candles
~Enjoy Autumn Fire Poetry
~Explore the Herb of Rosemary for Remembrance with the Children
~Remember Loved Ones with This Week's Caregiver Meditation
~Bake Soul Cakes
Week Two, November
Martinmas, Living Peacefully
~Read Stories of Peace and Saint Martin
~Share Songs of Lanterns, Light and Martinmas
~Create Martinmas Star Lanterns
~Learn the Song 'I Go With My Little Lantern' on
your Pennywhistle or Flute and Listen to the
MP3 Version that Comes with
Your November Enrichment Guide!
~Explore Herbs for Living Peacefully in Your Home or School
~Share a Martinmas Puppet Show that Older Children Can Perform
~Read an Old Tale of St. Martin's Eve
~Meditate on Living Peacefully in Your Life and Work
~Treat those You Love to St. Martin Weckmann & Afternoon Tea
Week Three, November
The Owl, Wisdom
~Read Books of Owls and Wisdom
~Share Fingerplays and Songs for Circle Time
~Crochet a Sweet Owl Hat for the Children
~Read the Wise Wild Owl Poem
~Use Sage for Wisdom in Various Ways
Throughout Your Home or School
~Create an Upcycled Wool Owl out of Old Sweaters