FIVE Full Weeks of Waldorf Crafting, Verses, Songs, Stories, Recipes, Caregiver Meditations, Adult Inner Work and Seasonal Celebrations
Please note this is a digital book.
The Afterschool Enrichment books follow the rhythm of a weekly theme with the flexibility that teachers, homeschoolers and afterschooling parents need to enrich their children's Waldorf learning experience at home or school. These E-Books are filled to the rim with crafts, recipes, activities, stories and inner-work suggestions and they follow a weekly theme to keep your home or school following a seasonal rhythm. They are not structured like classroom lesson plans, as they are meant to be used in addition to your older child's regular schooling during the day or for add-on ideas to our At-Home Kindergarten Guides.
These Enrichment Guides are created to help parents, teachers and caregivers of all types create a healthy, rhythmic and peaceful home for their children. These guides may be used with children attending traditional schools, Waldorf schools, private schools, childcare centers or with homeschooled children as an enrichment tool to extend their Little Acorn ‘Learning’.
Week One, September
The Family, Working Together
~Read Recommended Books on Families, Homes
and Working Together
~Share Songs and Fingerplays with
Your Children
~How Can You Foster Cooperation and Work
Together More in Your Family?
~Go on an Autumn Photo Family Safari
~Make a Family Meditation Spiral
~Learn an Autumn Song on the
Pennywhistle or Flute and Listen to the
MP3 Version Sent Along with Your Ebook
by Master Storyteller, David Sewell McCann
~Meditate on How You could Work Better With Others
in Your Life and Model the
Behavior for the Children in Your Care
Week Two, September
Squirrels & Nuts, Preparation
~Share Stories about Squirrels, Nuts and the
Coming of Autumn
~Learn Songs and Fingerplays for Circle Time
~Create Colorful Felted Acorns with the
Children for Your Nature Table
~Do Simple Canning in Your Kitchen to Prepare
for the Winter Months Ahead
~Make an Acorn and Twig Picture Frame
for Your Home
~Make Nut Butter
~Spend Time Meditating Daily and
Preparing to Simplify Your Life
~Enjoy the MP3 Version of a very old song
'Hop Old Squirrel' and Learn to Play it Yourself
with Your Children!
Week Three, September
Autumn Leaves, Separation
~Watch the Leaves Fall in Beautiful Literature
and Illustrations
~Sing Songs of Autumn, Color and Leaves
~Create Beautiful Leaf Lanterns with Your Child
~Make Autumn Leaf Candles Together
~Craft an Autumn Leaf Wreath for
Your Front Door
~Design the Most Beautiful Autumn Leaf Fairies
You Could Imagine!
~What does 'Separation' Mean to You?
Meditate on this with our
Caregiver Meditation this Week
Week Four, August
Apples, Harvesting
~Fill a Weekly Basket with Books
About Harvesting and Apples
~Sing Harvest Songs to Bring in Autumn
~Celebrate Michaelmas with Your Children
~Learn New Harvest Verses to Play
and Sing at Circle Time
~Read a Special Apple Story to
Your Children
~Sing an Apple Song While Making
Apple Potpourri
~Create a Beautiful Apple Tree Play Set
for Your Nature Space
~Bake and Eat YUMMY Apple Stack Cake
~Meditate on what you can Harvest and
Share in Your Life Right Now