~First Grade Curriculum, Spring Semester Only, 12 VERY Full Weeks of Lessons~
This is Series 3 of 3 Digital Curriculum Books: Autumn (1), Winter (2) & Spring (3) Semesters
Please note, each semester leads into one another beginning with Autumn.
Spring is the last semester book of the annual lesson plans.
You would need to use them in sequence for appropriate building of academic skills with your child.
(Recommended Ages 6-7 ready for an academic, gentle, secular, art and nature-based curriculum )
Please note this is for the digital format of the curriculum and ONLY the Spring Semester.
Be one of the very first homeschoolers to explore, review and experience our brand new first grade curriculum! This program is so comprehensive, secular and beautiful - you will find a love for teaching your child and the natural world that you never knew you could experience. This is a BRAND NEW program just being released this year!
You will receive 12 full weeks of Spring lessons. This is the last semester of the First Grade Curriculum. Each week is huge and completely set up and organized for you.
Everything is planned out for you with a supply list ahead of each week (most simple items found in your own home) as well as a recommended book list. Each week is packed with content that you can use for many years to come and weave into other age ranges so please do NOT feel like you have to do everything. There is so much to explore! These lessons have been created specifically with homeschoolers who teach multiple ages in mind and weave in nicely with the Little Acorn Learning Preschool/Kindergarten Program. Many of the lessons expand beyond the first grade year and can be used with many grades with slight alterations.
Each weekly book provides lessons for language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, nature exploration, body and movement, songs, poems, verses, caregiver meditations, domestic arts skills, knitting, form drawing, handwork and artistic activities each week. The children have domestic arts as a lesson each week such as, folding laundry, setting the table and more.
Our program works hard to keep the homeschooler in mind with caregiver meditations, caregiver focus suggestions as well as domestic and home support. We have created this as much for you as we have for your children.
Based on weekly themes, the story, number and letter of the week will take your child on an adventure of exploration, magic and a true love for learning.
The full annual program (all three semesters) will cover all uppercase letters, lowercase letters, Roman numerals, four processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division), language arts, mathematics, telling time, nature study, geometric shapes, word families, consonant blends, science, social studies, body/health & movement, yoga, domestic arts & practical life skills, form drawing, so much art, fingerplays/songs & music, cooking & baking, simple introductions to other languages and much, much more!