Four Full Weeks of Waldorf Crafting, Verses, Songs, Stories, Recipes, Caregiver Meditations, Adult Inner Work and Seasonal Celebrations
Please note this is a digital book.
The Afterschool Enrichment books follow the rhythm of a weekly theme with the flexibility that teachers, homeschoolers and afterschooling parents need to enrich their children's Waldorf learning experience at home or school. These E-Books are filled to the rim with crafts, recipes, activities, stories and inner-work suggestions and they follow a weekly theme to keep your home or school following a seasonal rhythm. They are not structured like classroom lesson plans, as they are meant to be used in addition to your older child's regular schooling during the day or for add-on ideas to our At-Home Kindergarten Guides.
These Enrichment Guides are created to help parents, teachers and caregivers of all types create a healthy, rhythmic and peaceful home for their children. These guides may be used with children attending traditional schools, Waldorf schools, private schools, childcare centers or with homeschooled children as an enrichment tool to extend their Little Acorn ‘Learning’.
This June Enrichment Book Includes:
Week One, June
Pirates & Treasures, Discovery
~Read Exciting Stories About Pirates
and Discovery to Your Children
~Sing Pirate Songs
~Create Your Own Pirate Name
~Make a Pirate Eye Patch
~Learn the Language of Pirates
~Create Gemstone Treasures
and Use Them in Math Lessons
~Craft a Pirate Flag
~Bake Treasure Buns with Your
Family or School
~Meditate on Discovering the
Newness in the Present Moment
Week Two, June
Fireflies, Optimism
~Share Firefly Fingerplays and Songs
~Read Stories about Lightning
Bugs and Optimism
~Play the Firefly Song on Your
Pennywhistle or Flute or Enjoy the
MP3 Version that Comes with
Your Purchase
~Draw Your Children as a Garden
with a Spiritual Parenting Activity
~Read How to Cultivate Optimism in
Your Family or School
~Create an Enchanted Firefly Jar
~Make a Firefly Necklace
~Make a Wishing Tree in Your
Own Backyard
Week Three, June
Summer Solstice, Letting Go
~Sing Songs of Sunshine and Summertime!
~Read Solstice Stories and
Other Great Books
~Make Solstice Tea by Harvesting Your
Own Wildflowers and Herbs
~Practicing 'Letting it Go' as a Life Skill
~Listen to the Sweet Story of
The First Strawberry
~Honor the Full Strawberry Moon this Month
by Making Strawberries in Honey
~Practice Kids Yoga with Your Children
~Celebrate the Summer Solstice with
History, Crafts, Symbolism and More!
~Enjoy a Solstice Feast!
~Play Summer Solstice Games
~Make a Solstice Bonfire
Week Four, June
Reptiles, Adaptability
~Enjoy a Whimsy 'Reptiles and
Crocodiles' Song with the Sheet
Music and MP3 Included with Your
June Enrichment Guide
~Make Beeswax Reptiles
~Enjoy the Little Lizard Poem
~Learn About Amazing Reptiles
~Read Stories and Legends About
These Creatures
~Sew a Beanbag Snake with Your Child
~What does Adapting Mean to You?
Ponder How You can
Adapt to Your Surroundings and Create Change